Collage Workshop – April 5


Learn from award-winning artist, Connie Pickering Stover as she demonstrates how to have fun creating exciting art using printed papers, mark-making tools, and different substrates to create layered and textural collages.

You will discover a whole new world of artistic possibility when you remove the boundaries of the canvas or substrate and string your printed tissues and hand painted papers together like sentences in a story. Learn to get past your negative inner stop signs and move forward boldly in your art with collage and mark making. I believe that mixing materials and techniques – painting, collage, and drawing – is one good way to gain more fluidity and freedom in your art making. Let your approach evolve with your art practice to reflect your unique way of expression.
You may wish to collect you gelli printed papers and magazines and bring them with you. If you do not have any, we will set aside the first hour to create a few so you can incorporate them into your collage.

If you took the printmaking workshop, please bring all your printed papers to enhance your collages.

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