When I started this journey I had no idea where it might lead me. But, as many wise trekkers have said – it’s the journey that is important and once you get to your destination, it’s just the icing on the cake.

I recently stopped by my favorite needlepoint shops (Needler’s Nest, Surprise, AZ) while a bus load of needlers were on a journey of their own. They were a group of women taking a tour of shops in the Phoenix area and happened to be there when I plunked myself down to show some of my friends my latest “show and tell” project. It only took a few minutes before I felt like a real rock star when my project was noticed by 40 pairs of eyes.

These were the needlers I had always admired. The ones who have learned all the rules and the quality of their workmanship was second to none. Here I was, a self-taught needler playing in their ballpark – and they LIKED ME, Mikey!

Their encouragement for me to join ANG and come to speak to their guild in Tucson was just awesome and it was the spark I needed to create this blog. With this blog I want to provide a home for all those “crazy” needlers who want to show off their work for the pure pleasure of inspiring others to color outside the lines, too.

Please send your photo and a short description of your project to: FreestyleNeedlework@gmail.com