Free! Welcome Back Porch Painters!

Let’s have fun on my front porch

Bring your paints or needlework and your smiles!

Over the last two years I have invited friends to join me on my huge covered porch to paint, stitch and create. We relax, laugh, trade stories, make new friends, and sometimes get something done. I provide tables, chairs, and water. You bring your paints, projects and snacks. It’s that simple.

This year I’m stepping it up a notch by creating more space on my back patio … the Porch Painters have gotten very popular and I want to keep this going. This is a loose group (in more ways than one) and I can accommodate up to 10 people. So every Wednesday, from 1 to 4 beginning June 8th, we’ll gather casually and enjoy a few hours of creativity in the fresh air. You’ll be surrounded with beautiful flowers and porch plants and huge shade trees that might be inspiration for you to paint.

Occasionally, I will demonstrate the art of encaustic from my outdoor studio, adjacent to my porch. You might enjoy watching art being created with a propane torch and hot wax and maybe even give it a try yourself! You can also visit my indoor studio and main room gallery where you will see lots of examples of this unique art medium.

 Closed for the winter. Contact me for more information.

7 + 12 =

Judy enjoying learning about water colors.

Be inspired by colorful blooms everywhere!

Visit my outdoor encaustic studio.

Our friendly greeter, Gus enjoying some finished paintings.

Your tables are waiting!

My handy ADA porch ramp.

There’s lots of space for you to create!

Cozy corners for conversation and sharing laughter.